Remembering Len Bergstein

Speaking with people the past few weeks and hearing so many heartfelt stories, it’s clear Len Bergstein meant a great deal to a lot of people in our community. Len passed away on Oct. 17, and, like so many, we’ve spent a great deal of time recounting all the wonderful memories associated with him, and his considerable impact on our city and state.

As a leading political strategist and commentator in Oregon for decades, Len was well-known, greatly respected and much-admired. He moved to Portland in the 1970s and became a fixture on the city’s political scene. He worked as a legislative aide and went on to start a leading consulting firm, Northwest Strategies, which he led for more than 40 years. He was the go-to pro on all things politics, appearing regularly as a political commentator on KGW.

Over the course of his career, Len made lots of friends, and gained the respect of countless colleagues. Even those who were on “the other side” of a debate or issue with Len may not have necessarily been his friend in the moment, but they were heard and soon would be. More times than not – win, lose or draw – you gained a respected friend when you interacted with Len. Talk to the folks who knew him best, and you’ll hear he carried himself with integrity and served as a mentor for many who he crossed paths with, no matter what side.

You’ll also hear about his great love of Oregon, and for the city of Portland. He cared very much about both, and similarly, he was a fierce advocate for Sport Oregon.

Len’s passing was a shock to the many who knew and cared for him. At Sport Oregon, we have shared in this grief, but we have wonderful memories of the man and his many accomplishments. Len was a foundational presence with our organization, a steadfast ally and friend from the beginning (when it was known as the Oregon Sports Authority). He was a founding board member, ultimately serving in his board capacity with Sport Oregon for more than 30 years. He was incredibly giving of his time, energy and financial support.

“Len was always a huge cheerleader for Sport Oregon and was really proud of the organizational growth we've experienced over the last four years. He pushed us to reach our potential and deliver the impact he knew we were capable of,” said Jim Etzel, CEO of Sport Oregon. “While he will be greatly missed by all of us, we are so grateful for his belief in this organization and for his commitment to helping us grow our relevance and influence.”

We know the scale of Len’s impact on Sport Oregon, but really it should come as no surprise. It’s evident Len carried that same passion and commitment over to everything he involved himself with, including his grandkids’ sporting events.

Len Bergstein will be greatly missed, but he most certainly will not be forgotten.

“Len loved all aspects of sport. As a young man, he played football and baseball in high school and at college while attending Wesleyan University. He was awed by athletic talent and endeavor, traveling statewide to attend matches, games and meets.

“Beyond the competitive thrill, Len also recognized the economic opportunity that sport offered to Oregon. From March Madness to the World Athletic Championships – which he attended despite the sweltering conditions – and all the professional soccer, basketball, and baseball in between, Len wanted to bring people to Oregon to play, spend, build community, and celebrate.

“But it might have been the personal triumph and joy of sport that Len loved most, like when he was the loudest cheerleader at his grandsons’ ballgames and swim meets, or at his granddaughters’ soccer matches, or when he joined the laughter of all his grandchildren while tossing them around in the swimming pool.

“We all have to up our game now, because if Len was here, you know he’d be cheering.”

Danelle Romain
Daughter of Len Bergstein

“Len’s passion for civic engagement was infectious. With humor and brilliance, he inspired and supported so many people over the years in various community projects and other opportunities to move Oregon forward. For the past 30 years, Len carried a vision of Sport Oregon’s potential to promote sports, strengthen communities and foster economic growth. I will be forever grateful for the investment he made in my professional growth and for connecting me with this outstanding organization. It is an understatement to say that Len will be missed dearly.”

Phil Bentley
Sport Oregon Board Member
Oregon Health Care Association

“Watching Len absorb a conversation and getting poised to chime in with his thoughts and perspective on the matter was always an event in itself. His thought usually ended in some witty or cynical remark that put his comment in a new context. His cackle will always be with me when I think of this good man.”

Nathan Nayman
External Affairs
Sport Oregon

“Len Bergstein was an amazing professional. One of the best. I don’t think anyone in our profession would question that. What set Len apart was how good of a person he was. It’s one thing to be highly skilled and efficient in your work, but it’s the intangibles that really define a career. Len was one of those rare individuals who exuded intelligence, ability, and confidence while also bringing empathy and compassion to his strategic guidance. His ability to not just represent his clientele – but to get to know them, their issues, their struggles, their humanity, what makes them special and how that adds to problem solving and solutions was genius.

“I was very lucky to begin my career under the guidance of Len, and our mutual colleague Dave Barrows. Over many years I was able to observe and learn both the lobbying side and the public affairs side under their advisement. Len was always available for me over these past 26 years. Even when we were on opposite sides of an issue, or representing clients who were embroiled in epic battles, he was always there. He would always pick up the phone, always text, always greet me with a smile and a kind word.

“As I write this with tears in my eyes, I will always remember Len as my teacher, my mentor, my confidant, and my friend. It is sad that he is gone, but I am comforted in knowing that he will always be with me throughout the rest of my days.

“A true giant of our industry who is gone but will certainly never be forgotten.”

Justin Martin
Tribal Lobbyist/Tribal Member
The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde


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